Weather Information

Saturday, 1st June 2024
Düsseldorf, Germany
Current Weather
Conditions:Few Clouds
Feels Like:20°C
Wind:009 / 10 Knots
Humidity:82 %
Bar. Pressure:1017 hPa
Weather Information kindly provided by OpenWeather.

Runway Operations

Recent Activities
Departures Not Available
Arrivals Not Available
Wind Components
23-7.2 Knots
05 7.2 Knots
X-Wind 6.9 Knots
Expected Availability
Saturday, 1st June 2024
23L/05RNot Available
23R/05LNot Available
Activities based on ADS-B messages (>80% aircraft coverage).
Weather & Wind data kindly provided by OpenWeather.

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Showing 41 - 60 of 72 Pictures

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▸︎ Aeroflot
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A
▸︎ RA-65783

Felix Reimann (1998)
▸︎ Aeroflot
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A
▸︎ CCCP-65785

Hajo Warnken (1990)
«A robust classic of Soviet aircraft engineering, seen here leaving Lohausen for St. Petersburg. Unfortunately not robust enough, as this Tu-134A was damaged beyond economical repair, when it was hit by a truck a few years later at Moscow-Sheremetjevo»

▸︎ Aeroflot
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A
▸︎ RA-65004

Felix Reimann (1999)
▸︎ Hungary - Government
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A

Hajo Warnken (1977)
«As a Tu-134AK, HA-YSA is leaving her parking position in front of hangar 8 at Lohausen with a Hungarian government delegation aboard. From 1981, HA-YSA, converted to TU-134A-3 standard, served with MALEV as HA-LBN»

▸︎ Hungary - Government
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A

Hajo Warnken (1977)
«Tu-134AK of the Hungary Government, seen here in the LTU maintenance area during the farewell ceremony for a government delegation on July 4, 1977»
▸︎ Interflug
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A

Hajo Warnken (1978)
«September, 5th 1978. Early morning departure to the Leipzig autumn fair»

▸︎ Balkan - Bulgarian Airlines
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A

Udo Haafke (1978)
▸︎ Balkan - Bulgarian Airlines
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A

Udo Haafke (1973)

▸︎ Aeroflot
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A
▸︎ CCCP-65024

Udo Haafke (1978)
«Official Olympic Carrier»
▸︎ Donavia
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A
▸︎ RA-65100

Bernd Hempe (2000)

▸︎ Aeroflot
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A
▸︎ RA-65567

Bernd Hempe (1997)
▸︎ Donavia
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A
▸︎ RA-65771

Bernd Hempe (1999)

▸︎ CSA Ceskoslovenske Aerolinie
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A

Felix Goetting (1992)
«c/n: 7349913 (May 15th, 1992)»
▸︎ Interflug
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A

Felix Goetting (1990)
«After german reunification all active Interflug aircraft became "D-" registered. This one (c/n: 35180) was ex DDR-SDC. October 24th, 1990.»

▸︎ Interflug
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A

Felix Goetting (1985)
«Back in the days of the coexistence of East- and West Germany an Interflug aircraft was a rare sight at DUS. In thes case a political delegation visited Düsseldorf. May 31st, 1985. Note the construction of pier C in background.»
▸︎ Hemus Air
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A

Felix Goetting (1993)
«c/n: 4352307; formerly operating for Balkan - Bulgarian Airlines. October 30th, 1993.»

▸︎ Greenair
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A

Felix Goetting (1991)
«May 7th, 1991; named 'Galatasarayon'»
▸︎ Aeroflot
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A
▸︎ RA-65567

Bernd Hempe (1997)

▸︎ Donavia
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A
▸︎ RA-65796

Bernd Hempe (1997)
▸︎ Malev Hungarian Airlines
▸︎ Tupolev Tu-134A

Rainer Spoddig (1994)
«Quite rare that a TU-134 was dispatched at a pax-bridge! Scan from paperprint.»

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